
Sit awhile. Take a gander. Take your time, for we're in no hurry here.

My intention with my rambligs in this BLOG is not nescesarily to change the world by any means.

But perhaps....just maybe....

to change how we see it.



Before the Mast

"There is witchery in the sea,
its songs and stories,
and in the mere sight of a ship,
and the sailors dress,
espesially to a young mind,
which has done more to man navies,
and fill merchant men,
then all the pressgangs of Europe."
Richard Henry Dana Jr.
two years before the mast:
a salors lfe at sea.

Waitting to Exhale...!?!?

"S.C.U.B.A. Diving is sensual.
To breathe underwater is one of the most fascinating and peculiar sensations imaginable.
Breathing becomes a rythmic melody
of inhalations and exhalations.
The crack and pops of fish and crustaceans harmonize with the rythmic chimming
of the bubbles as you exhale.
Soon, lungs act as bellows, controlling your bouyancy as you achieve weightlessness.
And, as in your dreams,
you are flying.
Combine these otherworldly stimuli
and you surrender completley
to the sanctuary
of the underwater world.
Tec Clark, forward, Karen Bergers SCUBA Diving

Born of Two Countries, Loved as One

"If a man should importune me
to give a reason why I loved him,
I find it could no otherwise be expressed,
then by making answer:
because it was He,
because it was I."
Michel de Montaigne


"Let us make
future generations
remember us
as proud ancestors
just as, today,
we remember
our forefathers."

Self Portrait of a Cowboy

There are 3 kinds of men in the world.
The ones that learn by readin',
The few that learn by observation,
And the rest of them
thats got to pee on that electric fence.
old cowboy saying