
Sit awhile. Take a gander. Take your time, for we're in no hurry here.

My intention with my rambligs in this BLOG is not nescesarily to change the world by any means.

But perhaps....just maybe....

to change how we see it.



Before the Mast

"There is witchery in the sea,
its songs and stories,
and in the mere sight of a ship,
and the sailors dress,
espesially to a young mind,
which has done more to man navies,
and fill merchant men,
then all the pressgangs of Europe."
Richard Henry Dana Jr.
two years before the mast:
a salors lfe at sea.

Waitting to Exhale...!?!?

"S.C.U.B.A. Diving is sensual.
To breathe underwater is one of the most fascinating and peculiar sensations imaginable.
Breathing becomes a rythmic melody
of inhalations and exhalations.
The crack and pops of fish and crustaceans harmonize with the rythmic chimming
of the bubbles as you exhale.
Soon, lungs act as bellows, controlling your bouyancy as you achieve weightlessness.
And, as in your dreams,
you are flying.
Combine these otherworldly stimuli
and you surrender completley
to the sanctuary
of the underwater world.
Tec Clark, forward, Karen Bergers SCUBA Diving

Born of Two Countries, Loved as One

"If a man should importune me
to give a reason why I loved him,
I find it could no otherwise be expressed,
then by making answer:
because it was He,
because it was I."
Michel de Montaigne


"Let us make
future generations
remember us
as proud ancestors
just as, today,
we remember
our forefathers."

Self Portrait of a Cowboy

There are 3 kinds of men in the world.
The ones that learn by readin',
The few that learn by observation,
And the rest of them
thats got to pee on that electric fence.
old cowboy saying

"All creatures must learn to coexist.
Thats why the brown bear and the field mouse can share their lives in harmony.
Of course they can't mate,
or the mice would explode!"
Betty White


"Watching the smoke
dance out of a cigarette,
is like watching a girl
dance out of her dress."
D.H. Monfluer

the Long Road

"Map out your future,
but do it in pencil.
The road ahead
is as long as you make it.
make it worth the trip
Jon Bon Jovi

the Brick House

"He that tries to recommend (Shakespere)
by select quotations,
will succeed like the pendant in "Hierocles",
who, when he offered his house for sale,
carried a brick in his pocket for a speciamen"
Samuel Johnson

the Arch

"Simplicity and Repose
are the qualities that measure
the true value of any work of art."
Frank Lloyd Wright

"In the childhood memories
of every good cook,
there is a large kitchen,
a warm stove,
a simmering pot,
and a MoM"

Strength and Endurance

Master Matty Bottles

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our Light, not our Darkness
that most frightens us."
Marrianne Williamson

Capt'n of the Archangel

"My fate cannot be mastered;
it can only be collaborated with and thereby,
to some extant,
Nor am I the Captain of my Soul;
i am only it's nosiest passanger!"
Aldous Huxley

He's Giving you the "Eye"

"i have my "EYES" on you!!!...Hey Baby how you doin!?!""

"Harumph! thats whats behind the curatin!?!?"

Vanity of a Peacock

"People are crying up the rich and variegated plummage of the peacock....
...and he himself is blushing at his ugly feet!"

the DetroitZoo Polar Bear

The polar Bear never makes his bed;
He sleeps on a cake of ice instead.
He has no blanket, no quilt, no sheet
Except the rain and snow and sleet.
He drifts about on a white ice flow,
While cold winds howl and blizzards blow.
and the temprature drops to forty below.
The Polar Bear never makes his bed;
The blanket he pulls up over his head
Is lined with soft and feathery snow.
If he ever rose and turned on the light
He would find a world of bathtub white
And iceburgs floating thuogh the night
Polar Bear Poem by
William Jay Smith

the Detroit Tiger

"It is not part of a true culture to tame a Tiger,
anymore than it is to make a sheep ferocious"
Henry David Thoreau
I love sports. Whenever i can, i allways watch the Detroit Tigers on the Radio"
Gerald R. Ford

Dancing Bears Fountain (Detroit Zoo)

I may go out tomorrow if i can borrow a coat to wear,
Oh I'd step out in style with my sincere smile and my dancing bear,
Outrageous alarming courageous charming
Oh who would think a boy and a bear
Could be well accepted everywhere
It's just amazing how fair people can be
Seen at the nicest places where well fed faces all stop to stare
Making the grandest entrance is Simon Smith and his Dancing Bear
They'll love us, won't they?
They feed us, don't they?
Oh who would think a boy and a bear
Could be well accepted everywhere
It's amazing how fair people can be
Who needs money when your funny?
The big attraction everywhere
Will be Simon Smith and his Dancing Bear
It's Simon Smith and his amazing Dancing Bear
Randy Newman

American Bison

"Historically the Buffalo had more influence on Man than all other Plains animals combined.
It was life ,
and shelter
to the Indians.
The Buffalo and the Plains Indians
lived together,
and they shall pass together."
Walter Prescott Webb

Frozen Bear Butt

Advice from a Poalr Bear:

  1. Live Large
  2. Sniff out oppurtunities
  3. learn some good icebreakers
  4. be thick skinned
  5. be fearless
  6. appreciate long winter nights
  7. keep it cool


Reflection of Buterflies

"just like the Butterfly....
...i too will awaken in my own time"
Deborah Chaskin

Lady Liberty

"She stands as the recognised sentinel of Liberty on the bulwarks of civilisation, flinging the free rays of her lighted torch out into the gloom of the world's continuous contentions, warning the enemies of human freedom against further conspiracies for it's suppression, and defending the ground it has all ready won for the enjoyment of the human race under divinely favourable conditions."

the New England Magizine

Tiger Lily

" 'Oh Tiger Lily', said Alice, addressing herself to one that was waving gracefully about in the wind,
'i wish you could talk!',
'We can talk', said the Tiger Lily,
'when ther's anyone worth talking to!'"
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll

Daisy in Sunlight

"Brute force crushes many plants.
Yet the Plants rise again.
The Pyrimids will not last a moment compared to the Daisy."


SuneShine Leaf

"our lord has written the promise of resurection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime"

Martin Luthur
(1483 - 1546)